"....Cuz where I'm from you need the gats out, and cocked" --Lil' Wayne
Apparently where I'm from, I need them out and cocked too. With Christmas rolling around, I thought I would blog about the crime rise in Richmond at this time of year. I currently reside in Richmond (thank VCU for that) and I am constantly watching the news and/or reading about robberies in the Richmond area. I never really knew how bad Richmond was until I saw that last year it was in the top 5 of the most dangerous cities in the nation. That statistic made me more cautious and interested in what was going on in the news for my own safety.
This year I'm not exactly sure what number Richmond is on the list of the most dangerous cities in the nation but I do know that the crime here is ridiculous. As soon as I turn 21 I'm taking that 'right to bear arms' thing and running with it........straight to the gun shop to cop a little something for my protection. For now, I have rely on my pepper spray to get me from point A to point B. But pepper spray just seems like hair spray when someone is holding a gun to your head demanding money that they should really know college students don't have.
There have been about 15 robberies this month alone. But that only counts for those robberies that were actually reported. Then there are still those robberies that end up in murders and believe me there are plenty of those too. What really sent a chill up my spine were the robberies that took place and probably will continue to take place on my block. That's exactly why I have a dog, and I'm not talking about a little yorkie that can probably get kicked up the block, I'm talking about that good old boxer/lab mix. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I mean, I know this type of shit happens everywhere in the U.S, and Richmond probably doesn't have it the worst, but I'm still shook. I have school to worry about let alone the idea of getting robbed or possibly even killed.
To conclude, I'd just like all of my people that live in Richmond to be cautious during this time. Please take into consideration these statistics because this shit really is happening left and right on just about every street near and on the VCU campus. Be safe during the holidays. And there might be power in numbers but some of these robbery reports included groups of people getting robbed so you have to think, "is there really power in numbers?" At the end of the day, we're all citizens so I suggest you use your right to bear arms.
To keep tabs on the daily crime haps in Richmond visit this site: