Controversy strikes again with the fictional documentary, 'Death of a President'. Now I came across this and couldn't believe my eyes when i started reading the synopsis:
An unknown gunman assassinates George W. Bush. A couple of years later, an investigative documentary is made. It features all the people involved that fateful day: the protestors outside a Chicago hotel; the suspects in the shooting and their families; the Secret Service men who failed to protect their charge; the press; and an array of experts, desperately seeking meaning in this horrible act of violence....
Now I'm pretty sure a lot of democrats and liberals don't really know about this film because if they did, I just feel like this would be the talk of the town. Now I'm in no way FOR the Death of George Bush.....but I know a lot of people that wouldn't mind it......or just wouldn't mind seeing it executed in a fictional atomsphere of course.....
Click the link above to find out more info on this film....