Casino Royale-It has been promised that this movie is unlike the past few Bond films that dissappointed many and led them to believe that no other character is able to fill James' Bond shoes like Sean Connery. In this film Daniel Craig plays a newly minted 00 agent out to disband a terrorist funding network. It is said that this Bond agent is a very believeable bad-ass with incredible footwork and a knack for being more lethal than any of his predecessors. Great date film. score-A

Deja Vu-Directed by Tony Scott produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. In case you forgot the trio last teamed up to shoot "Crimson Tide" and "Man On Fire" which both grossed over 100 million each worldwide. I'm sure this movie will live up to the expectations it has been given. And just so you have a jist of what this movie will be about, Washington plays an ATF agent who investigates a terrorist bombing in New Orleans. He travels back in time by way of secret government satellite cams to try and prevent this whole ordeal from going down. Meanwhile, He falls in love with a woman as her murder approaches (Idlewild's Paula Patton). Sounds very inticing. score-B+