But onto a serious note, take your life seriously. I mean, check up on reality once in awhile. I know it feels great to have fun and be with friends and chill and rebel, but people tend to forget to slow down sometimes. This means, learn from mistakes, take heed to warnings, be cautious, etc. Life is too wonderful to let slip through your fingers. Take the "Saw" movies for instance, yeah they were a bit horrific, but they had lessons within each one. That movie's message was not just, "ooh, he's getting his arm ripped off, cool", it was also, "hey, appreciate your life and everything you have in it, don't cheat, don't lie, don't do anything to take advantage of this great gift of life". Yeah, I do analyze a great deal. It's good to use this brain of ours while it's still in tip-top shape.
R.I.P Anna Nicole Smith

but moving on..........
I was going through my picture albums on my computer and saw these two random pictures next to eachother:

Loc Dog vs. Marvin
wouldn't that be some gunfight to watch......they're both crazy as hell