My girl Janet, she's at it again....If you are as much of a fan as I am then you will be pleased to know that she will be performing on the Today Show on Friday Sept. 29. She will be the closing act to the Toyota concert series that runs all summer on the show. I am happy to see her back in shape.....I'm sure she'll look great when she does perform.....
.......look out for her album "20 Years Old".....which by the way, will have it's first single shipped to radio on JUNE 19th....it is entitled "Call On Me".....Now I'm hearing a lot of good things about this album....I can't wait for it's impact....and to know that it was produced by JD is even more of a plus if you've been hearing all the hits he's recently been dishing out...JD is on fire this year....I hope he kept the ball rolling on Janet's new album....
source:Starmagazine.com && Janet Jackson's official website