Word on the street is…Lupe played his entire new album a whopping 20 tracks to the staff at Atlantic Records today, and the label peeps lost their minds over the music they heard! The entire building is so gassed up, they are going to be working extra hard on this one! Expect early reviews poppin’ up soon….quiet as kept i heard Bishop G spits a mean 16…
Anyways, the big Halloween show tomorrow in Chicago, mang! It’s sold out, so luck you, if you got your tickets early! There is going to be so many surprises there! It’s going down!!!! Also, “Superstar” video is done, Hype did an incredible job…and it will be premiereing on November 5th - you will get to meet The Game, The Streets and The Cool that day as well! ha ha ha ha haaaa!
So what else? Well Lu’s gonna continue to hit the road, hitting up all the location radio stations in your city/town/hood you know! Spins are increasing every week, and the onslaught of press is COMING soon! Still 12/18…Still L-U-P-E…
Oh yea, the entire version of “Paris Toyko” - yeah it’s sick son! Anyways until next time…FNF UP all day!!!! FREE CHILLY!!!
I must say....20 tracks is impressive. I can respect anyone who takes the time to put together 20 tracks for their fans The TWO push backs just might REALLY pay off, who are we kidding, I'm 100% percent sure it will pay off. I have faith in, "The Cool". If it doesn't get the album sales, I know his fans will still be pleased with the outcome. His thought process and organization for this album is insane. Dec. 18th, where you at???
If you have yet to meet the "characters" (The Game, The Streets, && The Cool)...well here goes two of them:
Introducing, THE GAME:

And of course, THE COOL:

--Lupe Fiasco
--Lupe Fiasco Message Boards