This post here to is influence all to support a great cause that Lupe happens to be a part of...
HALO 3....presents RED VS BLUE
"Bid for your exclusive Red v Blue Xbox 360. There are 30 to be won over four weeks, hand painted red or blue and signed by artists like Kanye West, Linkin Park, Snoop Dogg and more. Your winning bid goes to your charity. Bidding is underway so pitch in for your team and get them to #1! Who will win, red or blue? In this challenge it’s up to you."
The Red team's winnings will go to Mission Autralia
&& The Blue team's winnings will go to Make-a-Wish
How thoughtful right
Here's Lupe's (BLUE)

&& Snoop's (RED)

The link to bid is in the title.....
&& on that note....FNF UP!!!!!