So here's the story Dustin Diamond (er..Screech from Saved By The Bell) is supposedly about to lose his house. He was given 10 days to fork up $250,000 of get up out of his home. This is a result of his property value increasing because the land around his Wisconsin home was developed for the better. Why is it he can't get a loan you ask? Well, because he has "shitty credit". And this is all straight from the mouth of the once child star. Yes, he has created a a website where his supporters can purchase T-shirts for $15-$20, by doing this they are donating to his mortgage payment. These T-shirts simply state that you helped save Dustin's house. The story is much more detailed, he really did get F***** over by the government and so-called loan guru's. Check it out for yourself. It really is sad more than funny, although i did chuckle at first. I'd buy a T-shirt, but I would hope he would do the same for me of I ever needed it. Her'es the link: