If you were just as curious as I was to find out why Nelly Furtado's sound changed so much then you will be happy to take a look at what she had to say about it in Blender Magazine this month;
“I went through a feminist phase and read a lot of philosophical stuff. Some of the male bashing brainwashed me for a bit so I stopped. I love men!”
So with that being said, her 'I'm Like a Bird' days were merely a result of her being brainwashed by feminists. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I personally love the old Nelly to the new one. Don't get me wrong, I'm digging her new twist on things but I just like how unique she sounded before. That's why I didn't know that was her singing "Promiscuous Girl" for awhile, she sounds so completely different. I thought it was her going more commercial but I guess she put to rest my many nights of wondering why she changed so much. If you ask me she needs to get in touch with her feminist side again. Meanwhile, you should really pick up her new album "Loose", because despite the fact that she changed up her style, the album is really sick and deserves to be bumped at high volume in your car. I'm predicting this to be Nelly's year in music.