Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Unveiling of 'The Half Glove'

I've recently been seeing pics of Paris and her infamous 'Half Glove', and I've finally posted about it b/c I really do believe she's out to set yet another trend. I mean her trendsetting gimicks have become quite popular among the Hollywood A-listers. Wasn't she the first to uncover the nip slips and amatuer peepshows? And didn't everyone jump on the bandwagon, i.e Lindsay Lohan, and Toni Braxton (and that's just to name a few). I dont' know, heiress Hilton might just be on to something. What also leads me to believe that she is indeed trying to start a trend is that in every pic i've seen of it, she's had her hand up around her face apparently giving worldwide recognition to the 'HG'. I wouldnt' be surprised if it starts popping up on red carpets everywhere. I love the dress though.

Paris Hilton quote of the day:
“I don’t know how I keep going to all these parties. I think it’s because I am an Aquarius. We Aquarians have a lot of energy.”